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Education to Talent

The first Education to Talent Project was funded with its activities in 2013 by the Veneto region along with the Regional Education Office, in order to respond to the right of equal opportunity for all children and to develop their full potential. Also to assist and enhance children at high cognitive potential within the 1st cycle.

The first Education to Talent Project was funded with activities in 2013 by the Veneto region along with the Regional Education Office, in order to respond to the right of equal opportunity for all children and to develop their full potential. Also to assist and enhance children at high cognitive potential within the 1st cycle ofeducation that proved to be successful beyond expectations.

In 2014 a new initiative, Talent Education 2 which extended to kindergartens, has the ambitious goal to develop and consolidate a network of schools committed to children with high intellectual potential (so-called gifted children) by offering opportunities information/training for teachers on the theme of the differences between the students in relation to the different intellectual equipment and the need to provide measures of differentiation pedagogical and teaching to support not only the students with a good cognitive potential, but also the entire class group. The need to adapt the pedagogical and didactic education so as to enable the full development of cognitive, emotional and social skills of gifted children, go through a training system for both teachers and families.

The specific aim is, therefore, to move from a test phase to the development of a model of intervention that through moments of training/information and services dedicated to help sustain growth and training in a harmonious way as possible to allow the real potential of each.

Thus, the principal objective is to offer an opportunity of information/training for the teachers on the theme of the differences between students in relation to the different intellectual gifts and on the necessity of providing pedagogical and didactic differentiation in support not only for students with a good cognitive potential, but also the entire class group. The second phase of the project is intended not only to offer an opportunity for further training addressed to the group of teachers that have participated in the financed actions under the previous measure, but also to broaden the audience (Kindergarten teachers) and replicate the training for other teachers of primary and secondary level of public and private schools of Veneto. In pursuing the goal of developing measures of differentiation in support of children with good cognitive potential, one cannot ignore the family's involvement with specific services feeling welcome and support.

Partner of the project:

  • Fondazione Centro Produttività Veneto (CPV) (Veneto Productivity Centre Foundation (CPV) Leader

  • Dipartimento di Psycologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione di Padova (Department of Psychology, Development and Socialization of Padua)

  • Dipartimento di Brain and Behavioral Sciences, Sezione Psicologia – Università di Pavia (Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, Psychology Section - University of Pavia)

  • O.C. di Neuropsichiatria Infanzia e Adolescenza ULSS 16 Padova (U.O.C. Neuropsychiatry of Childhood and Adolescence ULSS 16 Padua)

  • Coordinamento Nazionale Insegnanti Specializzati e la ricerca sulle situazioni di handicap (C.N.I.S.) (National Coordination Teachers Specialists and research on situations of disability (CNIS))

  • Fondazione Opera Immacolata Concezione (Opera Immaculate Conception Foundation)

  • A.R.I. – Fabbrica Attività & Relazioni Intergenerazionali Spa (F.A.R.I. - Factory Activities and Intergenerational Relations Spa)

  • Associazione Gifted And Talented Education (GATE) – Italy (Association of Gifted And Talented Education (GATE) – Italy)

  • Conservatorio statale di musica “Francesco Venezze” (Conservatory of Music "Francesco Venezze")

  • Associazione (Association

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