lunedì - venerdì
9.30 - 13.00
Network Gate-Italy
The Scientific Association GATE – ITALY has promoted along with the Veneto Region the convention “for the enhancement of talents and human capital of the new generations” approved by Council Resolution of August 5th 2014 n.1462 of the Veneto Region Agreement between the Veneto Region and the Scientific Association Gifted and Talented Education – Italy (L.R. n. 3 of 13th March 2009)”.
The Association GATE – ITALY and the TALENTGATE Research Center through collaborations with universities, schools and businesses, and in particular with: the Ministry of Education, University and Research, l’Ufficio Scolastico regionale del Veneto, the Regione Lazio, , the Department of Developmental Psychology and Education of thr Universiy of Padova, with the Department of Phyisics of the University of Padova; with the Department of didactics of the University of Bologna, and with Fondazione Centro Produttività Veneto, Association for the National Coordination of Specialized Teachers (CNIS), create the “NETWORK GATE-ITALY” able to organize activities such as: university summer campus, scientific laboratories of orientation, digital experience laboratory, mathematical science laboratories, and digital creativity workshops. The promotion of experiential orientation journeys optimize the study and work courses making it possible to meet aspirations and characteristics of excellence of each student. For teachers, it promotes laboratories or workshops for teaching online, specialized courses, such as those of update and Master of 1st and 2nddegree. Together these activities combine to develop the growth of talents of the students and to increase the capabilities of the school.
We are collaborating with:
Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR)
Regione del Veneto
Regione Lazio
Università Cattolica di Milano
Università di Bologna
Ufficio Scolastico Regionale (USR)- Veneto
Università Pontificia Salesiana Roma
Microsoft Italia
Associazione AICA
Istituto Tecnologico per la Didattica del CNR
Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione (Università degli Studi di Padova)
INDIRE – ESchoolnet
Fondazione Fatebenefratelli
Università di Lubjana
Consorzio ERICUR – Olanda
ECHA European Council for Hight Abilty