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Projects and research

Gifted and Talented Education, since its birth, has collaborated with the project promoted by the Veneto region “Education to Talent” (DGR 1146 of the 05/07/2013). The initiative, primarily aimed at preschool teachers, primary and secondary schools, also had the goal to raise awareness in teachers on the specific needs of the Gifted Children. Furthermore, it intended to promote adoption of innovative teaching methods. The project also included a counter service for families, activated with the ULSS16 of Padua where advice, consultation and evaluations have been offered to children who were signalled by trained teachers. Parents also had the possibility to participate in group coaching.

Education to Talent Project

The Scientific Association GATE-Italy also promotes University research to deepen and explore the themes related with giftedness. GATE-Italy in collaboration with the Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization – University of Padua, and has promoted the project “Gifted Teaching: educating the human potential as a resource” to offer a contribution to the education for giftedness.

Currently GATE-Italy collaborates in the editorial staff of the Linee Guida Regionali (Veneto) - Regional Guidelines to support the scholastic system for the gifted children with good cognitive potential. Such document will have the aim to raise awareness in the authorities as well as institutions about the specific needs of the gifted students. The guidelines offer some suggestions for teachers, parents, psychologists, and educators as well as insights for further research.

GATE-Italy will participate in the Call HORIZON2020 – ICT-2015 Technologies for better human learning and teaching with the project C.I.A.- G.A.M.E. Cloud Innovative Application for Game and Maps Education. Partners involved: Microsoft, INDIRE, MIUR, CPV, VARgroup, AICA, CNR ITD, University of the studies of Padua, Catholic University of Milan. The project has two main objectives:

  • strengthen at European level a technological ecosystem certified in the ICT Education addressed to the special educational needs in order to reduce the various complexities brought by modern technology and accelerating the time of their adoption in schools and families;

  • innovate the learning and adaptive technologies along with personalization of the digital adaptive experiences, that meet the requirements of effectiveness of apprehension, the protection of health and well-being, in support of teachers as well as students with special educational needs.

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